How to stop your cat scratching

How to stop your cat scratching

Cats are natural climbers and need to scratch to keep their claws healthy. Scratching a cat tree bed is a great way to satisfy this need. Cats are also more inclined to do so in their own home than on your sofa or carpet - the surfaces of which can be damaged by a cat's claws. A cat scratcher is an object that cats will use for scratching, biting and clawing. It can be made of cardboard, sisal rope, carpet or other materials.

The best way to stop your cat from scratching furniture is by providing them with a scratching post or scratcher which will give them the same satisfaction as the furniture does .There are many different types of scratchers available on the market, but if you don't have time to go searching around and getting a new one, you can use an old door or shoe rack . You should trim the nails of your cat on a regular basis. This will help prevent it from scratching furniture or scratching any humans or pets in its way.

What's the difference between a scratching post and a cat tree bed? A scratching post is typically made of either wood or sisal rope and provides areas for cats to use their claws to scratch and stretch. Cat trees, on the other hand, are made of various materials which give your cat somewhere to climb, look out over the house or retreat when they feel low.

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